Thursday, May 14, 2020

Guide to help you get the best Planters

Doesn’t it feel great when you have a balcony space of your own? So make the most out of it and decorate it with a couple of beautiful planters. These planters are available in different shapes, sizes, colors and materials.

Here is a list of the different materials planters that will help make it easier for you to decide which one to buy.

If you want a container to grow vegetables, then pressed paper can be a good choice. This material helps in the process of growth by make the plant easier to breathe. It can even insulate the roots as per the temperature outside. Pressed paper is biodegradable and not harmful for the environment, but it is advisable to change the material every year. The pot is economical as the cost is very low. Nowadays, the paper is coated with wax to make the life span longer.

Ceramic containers or planters are made of a light colored fine texture which is glazed afterwards at a high temperature. So if ceramic square planters are left outside in the cold, they might get cracks. Since the pot is quite heavy, the good point is that we can grow heavy plants on that. They are usually very expensive but visually very appealing. It comes in various shapes, sizes, colors and designs.

It is a type of clay that is commonly used in making plant containers and planters of different sizes and shapes. The list of sizes available for this material is endless, so the pots are quite versatile. These pots are reddish brown in color which gives an earthy warm tone to your environment or space. It is a popular choice for all the gardeners since these pots are easily available and economical.
Since these pots are not fully glazed, it can easily loose moisture if kept outside for long. It is suggested that you line the interior portion of the pot with plastic or graze to decrease the amount of water that escapes from the pot.

If you live in cold weather area, it will be better to keep your terra-cota pots indoors to prevent the pot material from spoilage.


These planters are made by combining resin and glass fibers. These pots are made in such a way that they look like stone pots. Some people even add limestone to make the quality of the texture better.

They can bear any weather, so can be kept outside without any worry. These planters are light weight and durable.

Plastic pots look less realistic and less durable than fiberglass pots. These pots cost the least in among all in the commercial markets. These planters are available in numerous shapes and sizes.

These planters are extremely durable. If you go for iron pots, they will be extremely heavy but the aluminum ones are more durable and light weight. So, don’t worry about moving it in and around the house. Aluminum planters doesn’t rust easily and don’t need much maintenance.

The concrete balcony planters beautify your place and suitable for large plants protecting it from wind.

Since the planters are very heavy, it is advisable to decide the place where you want to keep it and so you don’t have to move around it much. The roots of the plants are protected even when the weather keeps changing.