Thursday, December 13, 2018

Choosing the best plants for your home interiors

If you’re a person highly obsessed with plants and want them everywhere, there is no other better place than having them right in your home. With such an astonishing range of decorative planters and pots available in the market, you can easily choose to breathe new life into your living room, bedroom, and even home office.

Let’s look at the best indoor plants that would give a smart makeover to your home interiors. But don’t forget to put them in decorative planters to enhance their aesthetical appeal.
  1.     Crassula ovata (money tree) - Also called the 'money plant', these exotic hardies need ample light and little water. They have attractively plump, glossy green leaves that are tinted with red, and they exhibit a bush-like appearance.
  2.     Kalanchoe tomentosa (panda plant) - The green leaves are shielded with small silver hairs, giving this plant a blue-grey appearance. It should be put near to a bright window. Be careful not to water too much, and do remove dead flower stems and pinch back leggy growth to keep plants looking their best.
  3.     Dracaena fragrans (corn plant)  - These plants require enough good light levels, but they should be placed out of direct sunlight. Just water them moderately, and reduce this in winter. Any clipping should be done in spring. They can reach 2m tall but their spread is quite compact, which makes them perfect for corners and tight spaces.
  4.     Zamioculcas zamiifolia (fern arum). These compacted plants are good to dry out and can prosper in a dark space.
  5.     Spathiphyllum wallisii (peace lily). Among various flowering houseplants, the peace lily is maybe the best to care for. They flourish in bright, indirect sunlight, but can also bear lower light levels. However, for the plants to bloom, they do need brighter light. Its good-looking white floras come in early summer and can last for weeks.
  6.     Chlorophytum comosum (spider plant). Till the time you spider plants ample amounts of light, you can then pretty much stay carefree about them.