Friday, October 16, 2015

The Winter-time Garden Maintenance Tips

Winter time is the best time in the year to get your garden into order and clean up all that has been deposited by the seasons during autumn and the months before that. This is the time when you should get your garden equipment in working order as well. And since the winters mean you are not going to get much done with gardening, here are some maintenance tips that will prepare your garden for the seasons ahead.

Get your compost ready 

Your garden pots need the right soil and compost so that the shrubs or plants grow healthily. Preparing compost is easy. collectkitchen refuse, fallen leaves, cow dung (or other manure) and everything organic that can be composted. To know more about what can be used refer to a proper list of things. Now, dig a hole in the ground and put the refuse in there and after every few days mix the soil to get a consistency of soil and organic refuse. In a couple of months it will be perfectly ready for use. In spring you will be able to put that to use and grow fine winter veggies!

Clean the garden of all garbage and dead plants 

Your garden may not give you nice blossoms in winter but it surely will give you tons of weed, which you don’t need. Get rid of it. Use weed cleaning medicines or if your lawn is small enough do it manually and you will be done through it by the end of the month. Get all the pruning and cleaning done and use the refuse for your composting application.

Also, this is to the time to buy new pots and decorative planters for the days ahead.